5 Tips for establishing leadership with your dog.
- Don’t Anthropomorphise your dog. They are not human and do not possess our intellect or reasoning abilities. Talking to them in sentences and expecting them to understand you is a recipe for misunderstanding and confusion.
- Basic Obedience Training is a must in order to create a better bond with your dog but also to help establish yourself as Pack Leader.
- Control your dog’s resources i.e. food, toys, rewards etc. Never give a reward to your dog for the sake of it. Only reward if they have completed a task or even a simple exercise such as SIT or DROP. Discourage begging at the dinner table.
- Teach your dogs to come inside the house on your terms. Teach them to wait till you give permission with a key word such as IN. Then to go to their BED or MAT until you provide a release word such as FREE.
- Correct bad behaviour immediately by a growl or deep NO or even AH! Immediately reward if they have complied with praise GOOD DOG, patting but sparingly with a treat.