Dear all,
It’s with great sadness that I advise you we are suspending all course as of now due to COVID-19. We tried staying open as long as we could safely but feel that running our classes now is not in the best interest of all concerned. This suspension is only till we are past the crisis and able to resume training. Consequently, we are offering some options for all our customers.
- If you have only done 2 sessions or under in Basic Obedience, we will credit you all one full course that you can use when we are given the green light to commence classes again
- If you have done 3 sessions and over in Basic Obedience, we will suspend your course and then resume it at the level you left off at.
- If you are in Kindergarten Puppy Training and have not completed all your sessions, we will slot you into another puppy course (if your pup is young enough) but if not, we will credit you the unused portion of your course towards Basic Obedience Classes.
- If you have a Value Pack, we will credit you the unused portion in a Basic Obedience Course
- If you are in Intermediate to Advanced Classes, we will suspend your membership until we are able to resume and then reinstate your membership from the unused portion.
- If you are receiving Home Training, we will suspend your program and then continue where you left off after the crisis is over.
- No refunds will be made under any circumstances.
Moving forward we will stay in touch by running on-line assistance sessions most likely via Zoom and will advise you on this as soon as we are ready to go. In the meantime if you need some help, you can call 9877 6522 for phone assistance or email [email protected].
I am terribly sorry for all this, but it is out of our hands.
Yours sincerely
Basil Theofanides
T: 03 9877 6522 F: 0398789257