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Homepage News PUPPY DIETS



When buying a puppy try to find out what the pup is used to being fed. Ask the breeder, pet shop or animal shelter to provide you with a diet sheet. Start off by feeding it similar food and make any changes gradually.

A suitable diet for pups must – be tasty and easily digested
– be high in protein and carbohydrates (for growth and energy)
– contain all essential nutrients a appropriate levels.

Supplements can be beneficial for some dogs in certain situations, but a good quality diet is just as nutritious.

Divide the puppy’s daily ration of food into at least four meals until the pup is ten weeks old. Gradually reduce the frequency to twice daily. For most dogs up to medium size this should be done by the time the puppy is 6 months old. When the dog has reached maturity you can choose to reduce its mealtimes to once a day.
Dogs prefer their food to be blood temperature. A simple way to heat the dog’s food is to stir in some hot water.

Beware of producing a fat puppy. An obese pup will almost have weight problems as an adult. Look in the area between the hind legs. There should be no ‘udder like’ deposits of fat. Also feel the ribcage, you should feel the ribs clearly beneath the skin and not through a layer of fat.
If pup is overweight but hungry try adding lots of cooked vegetables and bran to the diet. Do not fall into the trap of pandering to fussy eaters. Train your dog to eat in only one area and only from its bowl.

NOTE: To prevent a fussy eater always ensure If your pup doesn’t eat the food in 15 minutes take it away, don’t offer more until next mealtime. Be consistent and persistent. Plenty of fresh clean water should always be available.