update! New classes at all Venues enrolling now.



With the state government announcement last Sunday unfortunately, it did not include easing of restrictions of our industry until Step 3 on 19 October. This means we will still be unable to provide any face-to-face training sessions. However, we will continue to provide support through our Zoom Sessions.

We are waiting on replies from the Education Department to authorize the use of our two school-venues again Burwood East and Oakleigh East plus awaiting similar response from City of Port Phillip to resume training at Gasworks Park. Hoochy Poochy Doggy Daycare at Abbotsford has already OK’d our return pending the DHHS reviews. However, as it is an indoor venue we may not be able to run classes there until November.

STEP 3. 19 October

Provided Daily average number of cases in the last 14 days is less than 5 (state-wide) AND less than 5 cases with an unknown source in the last 14 days (state-wide total)

What this means:

  • No restrictions on leaving home
  • Spend time with others outside where possible
  • Public gatherings: up to 10 people
  • No curfew so you can travel to any venue for training.

Therefore, all our group classes including (Kindergarten Puppy Training; Basic Obedience; Intermediate to Advanced) at all outdoor venues will resume as usual. Existing classes that were suspended in August will resume at the level they were suspended at. New classes will be created for new customers. Priority Waiting Lists for new courses (not existing) will receive an email with new timetables two days before we release these to the public. After these two days the Priority Offer will cease.


Indoor Venue Hoochy Poochy Doggy Daycare.

At our indoor venue Hoochy Poochy Doggy Daycare we may be unable to resume until the next easing of restrictions in November.

For those classes that were suspended at Hoochy Poochy, we will look at transferring them to our Burwood East Venue temporarily until we can utilise the indoor facility and then move these classes back to Hoochy Poochy Abbotsford.


  • Home Training Programs will resume but only at a local park not inside a home owner’s property or house.
  • Private Training Programs will cease.


Last Step: 23 November

CURRENT AFTER 23 NOVEMBER AND: WHEN: There are no new cases for 14 days.

Business as usual but following the latest health advice from DHHS.


All Indoor Classes to resume at Hoochy Poochy Doggy Daycare.


This is an interim update and we will provide more information progressively leading up to each Step.


Thank you all for being so patient. I know it’s been difficult for all of us and our Instructors Team is chomping at the bit waiting to get out and do what we love doing, training you and your precious pooches.

More updates to follow.

Best wishes


Basil Theofanides